Sarms Certified Analysis

Sarms Certified Analysis

We believe in full transparency of our products.

Not only to aid in your research , but to also to indicate the purity of the products.

We stand above the rest and set the bar for quality.

All Sarms Canada procured certified lab tests of our products.When products were sent to the lab, the lab does not know what it receives, just an unknown substance, and as a result we receive the unbiased accurate and anonymous reporting.

Contact Us with any question.

S23 - Certified Analysis

Sarms Certified Analysis

GW 501516

Sarms Certified Analysis
Sarms Certified Analysis

LDG 4033

Sarms Certified Analysis

MK 677

Sarms Certified Analysis

RAD 140

Sarms Certified Analysis

S4 - Andarine

SR 9009

Sarms Certified Analysis