Top 5 SARMs for Muscle Growth Studies: A Comprehensive Guide
Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) have gained significant attention in the field of muscle growth research. While these compounds are not approved for human consumption and are sold for research purposes only, they have shown promising results in various studies. Here’s a comprehensive guide to the top 5 SARMs that have been the focus of muscle growth studies:
1. LGD-4033 (Ligandrol)
LGD-4033 has demonstrated significant potential in increasing lean body mass and leg press strength in clinical trials
In a 21-day randomized, placebo-controlled study, healthy young men showed dose-proportional gains in lean body mass. This SARM is particularly interesting for its ability to increase bone mineral density, formation, and strength in preclinical models. Learn More Here
2. MK-773
MK-773 has undergone phase 2 studies in both men and women
In a trial involving 170 women aged 65 or older, MK-773 showed a significant increase in lean body mass from baseline to month 6 compared to placebo. However, no difference was observed in leg strength or other physical function measures. Read the Research Paper Here
3. Ostarine (Enobosarm)
Ostarine, also known as enobosarm, has undergone the most extensive clinical trials to date.
In a phase 2a study, it demonstrated the ability to increase lean body mass and decrease fat mass. It also showed modest improvements in insulin sensitivity as measured by the homeostatic model assessment (HOMA). Read the Research Paper Here
4. GSK2881078
This SARM has shown promising results in a phase 2A trial involving patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
When used in conjunction with an exercise program, GSK2881078 improved quadriceps strength in men, measured as a percentage of the predicted 1 repetition maximum. It also increased lean body mass in both men and women. Read the Paper Here
5. RAD-140 (Testolone)
While specific clinical data on RAD-140 is limited in the provided search results, it is known to be a popular SARM in research circles for its potential in muscle growth studies
Important Considerations
It’s crucial to note that while these SARMs have shown potential in research settings, they come with potential side effects.
Always consult with healthcare professionals.