Benefits of Sleep to Maintain Healthy Lifestyle
When people think of a healthy lifestyle, they think of a healthy diet accompanied by a rigorous exercise regime. Seldom does one thinks that having a good sleeping habit is something that is imperative in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Well, sleep is essential for physical and mental health. Whether it be losing weight or ensuring perfect skin, it all boils down to how well one sleeps at night.
Benefits of good sleep habits
Here are some of the significant benefits of having a good sleeping routine.
1. Helps reducing stress
A common thing observed in those who don’t get a good night’s sleep is high levels of stress hormones. Considering that life in today’s world is very fast-paced, stress seems to come in the package. However, sleeping deeply and on time helps in reducing the release of stress hormones.
2. Improving memory
When one is tired, it is much more difficult to remember things compared to when one has had a good night’s sleep. This is because when one sleeps, the brain continues to process and store things, thereby improving memory.
3. Lowering blood pressure
Hypertension is a menace. It increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases like stroke.While many resort to improving their eating habits to control hypertension, sleeping better is a great way to lower blood pressure as well, this is because the body relaxes while one sleeps, thereby reducing blood pressure and keeping it at a controlled level.
4. Improving the immune system
Those who don’t have a proper sleeping schedule might find themselves getting sick often. This is because the quality of sleep also governs the immune system. How so? Well, when one is sleeping, protein molecules are being produced by the body. These molecules are crucial for the immune system since they help in combating infection.
5. Maintaining and losing weight
No, this doesn’t mean that the more one sleeps, the more weight you will lose. Instead, it is observed that those who are sleep deprived tend to eat more. However, having good sleep helps in having a healthy appetite and reduces cravings. This occurs because when the body is asleep, different hormones that are linked with eating habits are regulated.
How bad sleep affects your lifestyle
One should aim for a good sleep schedule not just because of the benefits associated with it. Instead, one should do so also to avoid the adverse effects associated with having a poor sleep schedule.
Here is how bad sleep affects the lifestyle of a person:
Central Nervous System
Sleep deprivation exhausts the brain and renders it incapable of performing its functions. Things, like concentrating on things and coordinating your body movements, can get difficult. Moreover, one’s mental health is also negatively affected. It is common for those who are sleep deprived to feel suicidal, anxious and stressed.
Immune system
Sleep deprivation takes away from the body’s time to build protein molecules that aid in fighting off diseases. This, in turn, weakens the immune system. This means that anytime a sleep-deprived individual gets ill, it gets harder for him/her to recover.
Respiratory system
Anyone who has respiratory diseases will find its effects getting worse if a proper sleep schedule I not maintained. Moreover, due to the weakened immune system, sleep deprivation also makes one prone to getting respiratory infections like flu and cold.
Increased risk of diabetes
A bad sleep schedule negatively affects insulin production in the body. When less insulin is produced, the blood sugar levels tend to increase, which makes one prone to getting diabetes.
Gaining weight
Sleep deprivation messes the hormone regulation function of the body. One hormone whose production is hampered is the one that tells the body when the stomach is satiated. When this happens, the appetite of the individual increases, thereby leading to weight gain.
How to maintain good sleep and fix bad sleeping habits
Wish to maintain a healthy lifestyle via a good sleeping schedule? Here are tips on how to do so.
1. Have a proper sleep schedule. It is essential to have a consistent waking up and sleeping time, regardless of whether it is a weekday or a weekend. This aids in regulating the body clock and circadian rhythm.
2. Have a bedtime ritual. One major obstacle in falling asleep is that the brain tends to be overstimulated at times. It is crucial to calm it down to ensure that one falls asleep. For this, having a relaxing routine before bed can be helpful. This can include having dim lights, putting away the phone or listening to relaxing music.
3. Avoid afternoon naps. Many people tend to have trouble sleeping at night since they take too many naps throughout the day. Avoiding such naps ensures that one gets tired by the time it gets dark.
4. Exercise. Morning exercises regardless of how rigorous they are can help in improving sleeping habits. Again, this helps in getting tired which triggers sleep.
5. Be comfortable. The more comfortable the environment is, the easier it is to fall asleep. It is important to be accompanied by soft and supportive pillows. The room should have the right temperature.
6. Avoid exposure to light right before sleeping. The natural clock in everyone’s body takes cues from the environment. Exposure to evening light can signal the body that it is not time to sleep. This is why it is crucial to sleep in the darkness and avoid exposure to evening lights when it is time to sleep.
7. Visit a healthcare provider. In case none of these tips work, it is advisable that professional help is sought. The last thing anyone needs is their sleeping schedule affecting their health and overall life.
Don’t take the act of sleeping properly lightly. A healthy life balance depends on the quality of sleep one gets. Have a proper sleeping schedule and sticking to it, regardless of how many commitments and responsibilities you have. Health should always come first!